Something I have noticed with NLPers is they all say exactly the same things. They are brainwashed (or programmed as they put it) to blindly accept what they are told as the truth and never to question it. This is particularly true when they try to argue that NLP is not a cult. When they try to describe what NLP is, a typical example would be:
“NLP is a powerful set of tools.”
It is true that they are taught to use certain tools at NLP brainwashing camp (they call it “NLP Training”).
What actually are these tools and are they powerful?
The tools taught as NLP are mostly not unique to NLP. They can be found elsewhere and are generally aimed at manipulating, misleading and distracting. Rapport and mimicry are used to gain someone’s confidence by faking likeness. Embed commands are used to manipulate people into unwittingly being controlled. Many techniques are designed to distract attention from the truth.
You are a wiser person when you know that magic doesn’t exist, it is all sleight of hand and deception, you are a wiser person when you know the same of NLP.
NLP is a powerful set of fools!